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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - wrinkle


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  1) морщина, складка 2) береговая улитка (Littorina) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. морщина; складка wrinkles on the face —- морщины на лице to iron out the wrinkles in a dress —- выгладить мятое платье to fit without a wrinkle —- сидеть как влитое (о платье) 2. недостаток without spot or wrinkle —- безупречный, незапятнанный 3. геол. складка (земной поверхности) 4. (также wrinkle up) морщить, покрывать морщинами, складками to wrinkle (up) one's forehead —- морщить лоб her stockings were wrinkled —- ее чулки были плохо натянуты 5. морщиться, покрываться морщинами, складками 6. сминать, мять to wrinkle a dress —- измять платье 7. сминаться, мяться 8. разг. полезный совет или намек; к месту сказанное слово he put me up to a wrinkle or two —- он кое-чему меня научил, он кое-что подсказал мне 9. метод, способ 10. новая идея, новшество, нововведение the latest wrinkle —- последний крик моды that's a new wrinkle —- это нечто новое ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun морщина; складка; to fit without a wrinkle - сидеть без единой морщинки, как влитое (об одежде)  2. v. морщить(ся) (тж. wrinkle up); сминать(ся), мять(ся) Syn: see fold II noun coll. полезный совет; намек ...
Англо-русский словарь
  морщина; складка ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a slight crease or depression in the skin such as is produced by age. 2 a similar mark in another flexible surface. 3 colloq. a useful tip or clever expedient. --v. 1 tr. make wrinkles in. 2 intr. form wrinkles; become marked with wrinkles. Etymology: orig. repr. OE gewrinclod sinuous WRINKLY adj. & n. --adj. (wrinklier, wrinkliest) having many wrinkles. --n. (also wrinklie) (pl. -ies) sl. offens. an old or middle-aged person. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, back-formation from ~d twisted, winding, probably from Old English gewrinclod, past participle of gewrinclian to wind, from ge-, perfective prefix + -wrinclian (akin to wrencan to wrench) — more at co-  Date: 14th century  1. a small ridge or furrow especially when formed on a surface by the shrinking or contraction of a smooth substance ; crease; specifically one in the skin especially when due to age, worry, or fatigue  2.  a. method, technique  b. a change in a customary procedure or method  c. something new or different ; innovation  3. imperfection, irregularity  • wrinkly adjective  II. verb  (~d; wrinkling)  Date: 15th century  intransitive verb to become marked with or contracted into ~s  transitive verb to contract into ~s ; pucker ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (wrinkles, wrinkling, wrinkled) 1. Wrinkles are lines which form on someone’s face as they grow old. His face was covered with wrinkles... N-COUNT: usu pl 2. When someone’s skin wrinkles or when something wrinkles it, lines start to form in it because the skin is getting old or damaged. The skin on her cheeks and around her eyes was beginning to wrinkle. ...protection against the sun’s rays that age and wrinkle the skin. VERB: V, V n • wrinkled I did indeed look older and more wrinkled than ever. ADJ 3. A wrinkle is a raised fold in a piece of cloth or paper that spoils its appearance. He noticed a wrinkle in her stocking. N-COUNT 4. If cloth wrinkles, or if someone or something wrinkles it, it gets folds or lines in it. Her stockings wrinkled at the ankles... I wrinkled the velvet. VERB: V, V n • wrinkled His suit was wrinkled and he looked very tired. = crumpled ADJ 5. When you wrinkle your nose or forehead, or when it wrinkles, you tighten the muscles in your face so that the skin folds. Frannie wrinkled her nose at her daughter... Ellen’s face wrinkles as if she is about to sneeze. VERB: V n, V ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a line on your face or skin that you get when you are old  (wrinkles around the eyes) 2 a small untidy fold in a piece of clothing or paper 3 iron out the wrinkles to solve the small problems in something - wrinkly adj ~2 v 1 if you wrinkle a piece of clothing or if it wrinkles, it gets small untidy folds in it  (The trouble with linen is that it wrinkles so easily.) 2 wrinkle your nose/eyes/brow etc to move part of your face so that there are wrinkles on or around it ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - probably from stem of O.E. gewrinclod "wrinkled, crooked, winding," pp. of gewrinclian "to wind, crease," from perfective prefix ge- + -wrinclian "to wind," from P.Gmc. *wreng-. Related to wrencan "to twist" (see wrench). Meaning "defect, problem" first recorded 1643; that of "idea, device, notion" (especially a new one) is from 1817. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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